Detail View

class pyramid_views.views.detail.DetailView(**kwargs)

Render a “detail” view of an object.

By default this is a model instance looked up from self.query, but the view will support display of any object by overriding self.get_object().

model = None
query = None

Return the Query that will be used to look up the object.

Note that this method is called by the default implementation of get_object and may not be called if get_object is overriden.


Returns the object the view is displaying.

By default this requires self.query and a pk or slug argument in the URLconf, but subclasses can override this to return any object.

slug_field = u'slug'

Get the name of a slug field to be used to look up by slug.

slug_url_kwarg = u'slug'
pk_url_kwarg = u'pk'
template_name = None
template_extension = u'.pt'
content_type = None
template_name_suffix = u'_detail'

Get the name to use for the object.

macro_names = None

Return a directory of macro names.

Values should be template paths, and keys will be used as the lookup key in the template. Eg. macros.<key>.<macro>.

get(request, *args, **kwargs)